#Readthemallthon TBR


readthemallthonI’m a little late joining the challenge but I’ve wanted to sign up for weeks. I’ve been in a blogging slump, a bit of a reading slump, and sort of a life slump lately. First it was visiting family that kept me busy and now I’m just burnt out from all the activity and all the hot summer days. I’m already participating in #arcaugust so why not at another challenge?? Plus, I can’t refuse a Pokemon related challenge! The #readthemallthon is hosted by Read At Midnight, and runs from August 14th to September 4th. For more information about the challenge click here #readthemallthon. For each badge I have to read one book and each book gains CP for my Pokemon.

 The Pokemon I chose is… Noibat! 

Books by Badge

readthemallthon-badge01-boulder (1)This aligns with my #arcaugust challenge as well. I’ll be reading Paladin by Sally Slater.
386 Pages.readthemallthon-badge02-cascaderFor this challenge I will read Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

readthemallthon-badge03-thunderReading the third book in a series with thunderous hype, Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Steifvater
391 Pagesreadthemallthon-badge04-rainbowI’m stuck on this one so if you have a suggestion let me know! I might read The Sun Is Also A Star by Nicola Yoonreadthemallthon-badge05-soulEpic Romance (Thats going to rip my hear out)! Finally going to finish The Assassins Blade by reading The Assassin and the Empire by Sarah J Maas  94 Pages

readthemallthon-badge06-marshFor this challenge I’m going to read Cress by Marissa Meyer
560 Pages

readthemallthon-badge07-flameIt isn’t completely red but it has red elements. A Shadow Bright and Burning by Jessica Cluess
416 Pages

readthemallthon-badge08-earthAnother book from my #arcaugust challenge, my current read and a new favourite is Flashfall by Jenny Moyer
352 Pages



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