
crest-05e1a637392425b4d5225780797e5a76That right! It has been a goal of mine to participate in NaNoWriMo at least once in my life and I decided back in January that this year was going to be THE year. The story that I have chosen to write is one that has been simmering for a while. I havent written on a daily basis for quite some time so I’m expecting road blocks and rough patches to start with but my goal is to just get words on paper. Doesn’t matter how good or bad they are as long as I reach my goal, I will go back, edit and perfect it later. I don’t have a lot of free time as a single mom but I plan on writing every night and putting aside my other hobbies; reading and crafting. For me this is more about getting back into the writing groove than completing a novel. That being said I would love to have a first draft at the end of this experience. I also hope I can meet and support other NaNo newbies like myself. I already have a couple of friends who have done NaNo before that have supported me in my journey thus far. I have spent the better part of October just preparing myself. This included writing an outline, a list of writers block busters, taping up inspiration photos on my wall and stocking up on cinnamon gum (my writing crutch). So, wish me luck! I hope to be sharing some snippets of my story with you all in the coming weeks and if you will be participating as well please let me know! Happy writing everyone!

5 thoughts on “#NaNoWriMo16

  1. *waves* Me!! I tried once before (7 years ago?) but didn’t make 50K. This time I’m being a NaNo rebel and using November to PLOT my novel. World building and character profiles will be extra, I just want a useable plot at the end!


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