Top Ten Tuesday: Fall & Winter Releases!


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. Each week there is a new bookish topic. For more details, and to participate, click the link above.

Fall & Winter Releases


I have read some really good releases so far this year but I have to admit some of the ones that I am most excited for have yet to be released. Im not going to list them in any order or go into detail for each one why I want to read them. They all have beautiful covers, captivating snopsis and many are by auto-buy authors. So here are the releases I cant wait to get my hands on…

These are my most anticipated, keep me awake at night, counting the days till, already pre-ordered, releases.

These are all on the darker side and lately I am really enjoying the dark side. This most likely began with Adelina from the first book in the Young Elites series and is continuing with these other fabulous titles.

And last but not least are all these beauties! Ever the Hunted is the most beautiful cover I have seen, okay it is in the top ten for sure. The Sun is also a Star is also beautiful, I have an ARC and I am so excited to read more from the author of Everything Everything. And of course The Fate of the Tearling, I feel a lot of anxiety about this one because I think I will either really love or really hate the ending.


As you can see not many of these books are under the radar, many of you have them on your lists as well and most bookworms have heard of them. That is the only thing I don’t like about my list, there aren’t enough quieter or debut titles. The releases on my list for the first half of the year had a few titles in that category but I must be out of the loop because I don’t have any for the second half. So I am asking all of you guys, if you know of a quieter book that you think is going to be amazing but I havent heard of PLEASE LET ME KNOW! And have an amazing week!

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