Top Ten Tuesdays: Resolutions


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. Each week there is a new topic, if you would like to participate you can head over to her blog for the details and a list of topics.

Read My Own Books
I acquired a lot of books in the last few months of 2015 and so I have decided to read only books from my TBR that I own or can borrow from the library

Keep A Reading Journal
Thanks to Owlcrate I now have a beautiful reading journal and I want to use it! For every book I would like to write down my thoughts and favourite quotes to help me improve my reviews

Change things up
This year I would like to read a handful of books outside my comfort zone. I’m not bored I just feel like I should give some other genres a chance. Thankfully my many reading challenges should help with this.

Wrap Things Up
My reading challenges will also help me wrap things up! I hope to finish 7+ series that I have previously started.

I want to learn more about how to use wordpress and improve my blogging skills so that I can show my unique personality in my posts. There are so many great bloggers I have met recently so I should really just be bold enough to reach out and ask for advice.

Map The Books
So I was watching a booktube video from WhyMermaids and she was planning to pin a world map of every place that she reads in a book. I thought this was really cool! Sadly I read mostly fantasy so I couldn’t do this. However I thought it would be neat to make a world fantasy map. Hopefully I can show you what I mean as the year goes on and I post photos.

Attend Yallfest/west
This is pretty self explanitory. I really really REALLY want to go to one of them. I still don’t know which one I will be able to attend due to the fact that I will be returning to work sometime but I am leaning towards Yallwest.

I have SO much going on this year but why no sign up for Nanowrimo as well? I have always wanted to participate and I feel like 2016 is the year for me.

Return to running
I stopped running at about the 5th month of my pregnancy and I havent returned so a big goal for me this year is to get back on track! Actully I don’t run on a track but you know what I mean. I want to run in some 10km fun runsand with The Hogwarts Running Club

Buy A House
Here’s another big one and this depends a lot on wether I can find a suitable house for sale, in my price range. I live in a small town and the housing market is all about waiting for what you are looking for and buying it as soon as you see it.

I have a feeling I will need a long vacation in 2017 if I accomplish all these goals.

What goals do you have for 2016?

13 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesdays: Resolutions

  1. These are some great goals! Im always available on Twitter if you need advice about WordPress or anything else blog related 🙂 Mapping books sounds like a really cool idea! I read mostly fantasy these days as well, but its still a cool idea nonetheless. I would love to buy a house as well, but the market where I live is outrageous and houses just fly off the market. Good luck in finding a house and with all your other resolutions and goals 🙂


    1. Thank you! That is really kind and I may very well have some for you! Seems like I am fairly limited unless I self host? I just feel my blog looks very boring?
      I plan on taking all the maps from books I read and drawing one big fantasy planet? Not sure how thats going to work out just yet. But the creative doodler in me is excited.
      The market here is cheap but there are a lot of lemons out there.


      1. No problem! I mean, with self hosting you get free reign, but that doesn’t mean you can’t work with what you are given on WordPress. WordPress hosts mine and I work with the free version. I bought my domain for like 20 bucks a year so it doesn’t have the wordpress name in the link. There are tons of themes to work with and lots of them are customizeable. Its all about playing around with it and then tweaking things to make it your own. I don’t think your blog looks boring 🙂 Honestly, I changed my theme so many times with my first blog and then my second.

        Oooooooh that sounds like fun. Its like an imagination planet or something. You could even have like a universe with any books that are set in space. Thats exciting!

        I am deeply jealous. Houses here are selling for almost 50-100,000 over their market price. Event the lemons are selling for a lot of money since people are flipping houses like crazy. Renting is just as expensive!


  2. Yay for buying a house! Sounds like we have similar struggles on that front! The housing market in my town is so expensive compared to neighboring towns so I’m having a hard time finding something decent in my price range.

    My TTT


    1. Houses are CHEAP here. Well compared to everywhere in BC atleast. The trouble is finding one that isnt garbage behind the walls. Keep me posted on your buying experience, perhaps we can support one another.


      1. I was thinking that too! If it’s in the same place as last year, I actually live not too far from it.


  3. You have some great resolutions for 2016, Jessica! Reading my own books *sighs* I do read quite a few of the books I own, but I always keep adding more 🙂
    And most bloggers are really happy to help each other out, so you should never be shy to ask questions – we all remember the beginning, when we were trying, testing and sometimes making it, sometimes not so much.
    I have a reading / book journal, too, and it’s so nice to use it! I mostly read on my kindle, so I highlight a lot of quotes, but sometimes, it’s nice to actually write them down, too. And as I don’t always write my review straight away, having some thoughts jotted down really helps.
    I hope you’ll be able to keep up with your resolutions, and that 2016 will be a fantastic year, both when it comes to blogging and other aspects of your life 🙂


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