Top Ten Tuesday: Best of 2016


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. Each week there is a new bookish topic. For more details, and how to participate, click the link above.

Best of 2016

Note: these are the best books I read in 2016, not necessarily released in 2016. The categories will be: Best 2016 Debuts, Best Sci-Fi, Best Fantasy, Best Contemporary and Most Beautiful Covers of 2016.

Best 2016 Debuts

Best Sci-Fi

Best Fantasy

Best contemporary

Best covers


did you read any of these? did they make it onto your “best of” list?

44 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Best of 2016

  1. I’d really like to read “The Crown’s Game” (I’ve heard amazing things!) and I just picked up “Everything, Everything” by Nicola, so I’m hoping that’s a good read, too. 🙂

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    1. I read that this year as well, but I think I liked The Sun Is Also A Star more? Just by a little. They are both excellent. I cant wait to see what Yoon does next. I hope you enjoy TCG as well, it took me some time to get invested so if you feel that way, give it a chance! It really grew on me.


    1. Thank you, I was a little concerned it was too scattered for people to enjoy. I hope you enjoy it, I was hooked in the beginning, unsure in the middle and a total fan by the end LOL It felt very cinematic to me, like it could easily become a movie IMO and a good one. I cant wait to get around to reading Gemina


    1. Thank you, I really just couldnt decide! I think the cover category was my favourite. Its interesting to see that some of the best covers werent my favourite reads and visa versa. I can defiantely see me re-reading the Night Circus one day and I must confess Passenger is the only one on this list I didnt actully read so I hope to in 2017. You as well!


    1. I think Im around 72? LOL there is never enough time am I right? Im pretty sure I added another 72 to my TBR this year so I havent made a dent! I did just purge lot of books though. I hope you enjoy Illuminae and the 5th Wave when you read them. T5W is NOTHING like the movie. In fact I dont recommend the movie, ever. LOL

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    1. Thank you! I met Evelyn Skye at Yallwest and was so excited for her book but I actully put it down after a few chapters and didnt come back to it for a couple of months. Once I was about a third of the way in I was totally hooked but it did take some time.


    1. Yay! I look forward to your list then. I love meeting someone with similar taste in books because if theyve read something I havent and enjoyed it chances I will too! I was so happily surprised my ACOMAF because I had predicted a very different story. Thank you for commenting!

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  2. You have some great choices here! Cinder was amazing (along with the rest of the series!). And The Night Circus is one of my all-time favorites! I also really loved These Broken Stars.

    The 5th Wave is on my list for next year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I read the whole Lunar Chronicles series this year, but I only listed the first. Scarlet was my least favourite and I think Cinder and Cress were my favourites. I cant wait for Wires & Nerve! I felt like this was a catch up year for me, I read a lot of books that I missed in previous years that were popular or heavily recommended to me. I hope you enjoy the 5th Wave, the movie is nothing like the book, I know everyone says that about adaptations but in this case they are very different. Thank you for commenting!


    1. It took me long enough to read it right? LOL I havent read any other Rainbow Rowell but I had the pleasure of meeting her this year which was awesome. I tried listening to Carry On and I didnt like it but I may try reading it one day. Thank you


    1. I never really considered it, because I read The Night Circus after TCG but they do share that vibe dont they? Interesting. T be honest I struggled with TCG to begin with, I started it in May I think and didnt finish it till months later, after the first third I sped through it, it really grew on me as I went. I hope 2017 is good to you as well!


  3. Illuminae and The 5th Wave are two of my favourite books! I really want to read The Serpent King as I’ve heard so many good things. I think I’ve been putting it off though because I know it’s going to break my heart. XD

    Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic
    My TTT Post!

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    1. I read so many amazing sci-fi books this year! I dont read a lot of contemporay, if that wasnt obvious by the fact that my Best of Fantasy section is more than twice as big. So perhaps Im not the best judge but I thought it was really good. There are very few books about highschool that I can tolerate, after ten years post grad.


    1. I was surprised by ACOMAF, I knew from Twitter that Rhysand played a major part but before I read it I had very different expectations. I thought Feyre would have to spend time with him and he would continue to be the guy he was in ACOTAR and I would have to entertain the idea thats a healthy relationship. So I was SO GLAD when I was totally wrong. And now yes, Rhysand is the bae of baes. LOL The Crowns Game was another surprise, it really grew on me as I read.

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      1. Soooo “Rhysand is the bae of baes” is officially my new favorite quote. 🙌🏻 Yeah, I read The Crown’s Game right when it came out and haven’t been able to stop thinking about it all year! Such amazing books in 2016.

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      2. Why thank you! LOL I dont often have book boyfriends. Ron Weasley was the first, then Nikolai of Shadow and Bone and most recently Gansey from TRC. BUT Rhysand is the Bae of Baes, King of the Book Boyfriends. IMO LOL. I cant wait for TCF to see where the story goes, there are so many good sequels coming out in 2017!

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      3. Yeah it felt unclear to me as well. I guess that would make the books like the Cassandra Clare books? Same world, different MC? I havent read her books but its the only comparrison I can think of ATM

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  4. I LOVE YOUR LIST SO MUCH I’M FLAILING!! The Raven Boys and Crooked Kingdom are my EVERYTHING and omg I loved The Crown’s Game and The Serpent King so much too. ❤ Although The Serpent King totally BROKE ME (but all good books do, right?!?) And Fangirl will forever be a favourite. I should reread that, omg, because it's been years and it was so relatable and fun and glorious. :')

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, thanks for the comment love! It was a really great reading year for me. If it doesn’t break you why read it right?I have some book to re-read next year too, all books I loved but barely remember. Im really curious to see if I love them this time around.


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